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CLEA installers and manuals are provided below as a courtesy to HPU students. They have been provided here with the permission of the CLEA project's principal investigator.


Name [up, down] Size [up, down]
XMMLab.pdf 419433
XMMLab.exe 15397021
XMMLab.doc 9000448
TransitLabUpd.exe 4835001
TransitLabDL.exe 62203069
TransitLab.pdf 1359144
TransitLab.doc 5917184
SunLab.pdf 388039
SunLab.EXE 4183535
SpecLab.xls 11776
SpecLab.pdf 211002
SpecLab.EXE 1464041
SolarRtnV1p00Upd.exe 4726921
SolarRtn.pdf 1021008
SolarRtn.exe 17349773
SolarRtn.doc 1649152
PlsrLab.xls 18944
PlsrLab.pdf 275425
PlsrLab.EXE 1543651
PhotoLab.pdf 191882
PhotoLab.EXE 4184075
Object_X.pdf 886988
Object_X.exe 36891753
Object_X.doc 1126912
MercLab.xls 12288
MercLab.pdf 129176
MercLab.EXE 853867
LSSLab.pdf 417030
LSSLab.EXE 5040143
JupLab.xls 16896
JupLab.doc 131072
JupLab.EXE 737733
HubLab.xls 17920
HubLab.pdf 178854
HubLab.EXE 1684680
AstrmLab.xls 10752
AstrmLab.pdf 395025
AstrmLab.EXE 6328211
Generated with EasyFileBrowse

High Point University       Last modified:   5/17/10 11:55 AM