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Course Outliner


Course Outliner is a program to manage content for online courses. Its benefits are:

  • Separation of content and design.
  • Auto-generation of the course outline and hyperlinks to course content.
  • Auto-generation of navigation links, like previous and next, between pages.

Course Outliner PHP script was witten by Aaron Titus. JavaScript functions and css classes used for the course outline are from BlueShoes. The css classes used for the Course Outliner pages, are from Gunther. Calendar PHP script was written by Jason Straw. Calendar css classes are from PHP iCalendar.


Version History

Version 0.4

7-30-07: Fourth version is released. Changes are: (1) feedback design and script is improved (2) URL now refers to files with an index number rather than filename; (3) added preferences.php which is used to specify course prefix, course name, and professor name.

It has the same known limitations as before.

Version 0.3

1-2-06: Third version is released. Changes are: (1) calendar.php reads a tab-delimited text file of dates and events (or topics to be covered) and displays a calendar; (2) content.php displays a feedback form and saves feedback in txt files within the feedback folder; (3) content pages are now php files.

It has the same known limitations as before.

Version 0.2

8-4-05: Second version is released. Changes are: (1) files must be in subfolders named and nested according to the items in the outline; (2) outline items may have dashes; (3) filenames use underscores in place of spaces of the outline item names.

Known limitations are (1) outline topics must be uniquely named; (2) only 3 nested levels are allowed; (3) content subdirectories must be arranged according to the outline; (4) outline item names cannot contain an underscore.

Version 0.1

7-27-05: First version is released. Known limitations are: (1) outline topics must be uniquely named; (2) only 3 nested levels are allowed; (3) content files must be in the same directory, thus no subdirectories are allowed; (4) topic names cannot contain a dash.

High Point University       Last modified:   5/24/13 11:23 AM