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CLEA (Contemporary Laboratory Exercises in Astronomy) programs simulate how astronomers collect and analyze data. Rather than simulating a concept, CLEA programas simulate how measurements are made and analyzed.

Visit the CLEA site for more information.

I use the following CLEA simulations as labs for my online AST 121 course. The linked pages included a description of relevant physics, video tutorials, handouts, and spreadsheets for data analysis and calculations. You can download old versions of CLEA software here.

Moons of Jupiter

Moons of Jupiter | Spreadsheet | Video: Part 1 | Video: Part 2

Rotation Rate of Mercury

Rotation Rate of Mercury | Spreadsheet | Video: Part 1 | Video: Part 2

Astrometry of Asteroids

Astrometry of Asteroids | Spreadsheet | Video: Part 1 | Video: Part 2 | Video: Part 3

Classification of Stellar Spectra

Classification of Stellar Spectra | Spreadsheet | Video: Part 1 | Video: Part 2

Radio Astronomy of Pulsars

Radio Astronomy of Pulsars | Spreadsheet | Video: Part 1 | Video: Part 2

The Hubble Redshift Distance Relation

The Hubble Redshift Distance Relation | Spreadsheet | Video

High Point University       Last modified:   8/13/13 4:29 PM